How does it work?
Our escape at home experiences are a new type of multi-media Escape Room adventure where you can play with your team at home, across the internet (for example using Skype or Zoom) or even solo. You’ll only need to buy the game once for your entire team, and can either share screen, or each investigate every clue independently if you prefer.
Unlock files and documents
Some games, such as ‘The Insiders’ benefit from printing them in the comfort of your own home – some of which you’ll need to manipulate and experiment with. Other games such as ‘The Cyphstress’ require no printer to play.

Scour the internet for clues
Interact with characters, hunt through social media and custom websites in order to break the codes and achieve your objectives. Our ‘Alternative Reality Games’ don’t restrict what you can use, or where on the internet you can scour to succeed.
Interact with custom interfaces
Custom built interactive interfaces and puzzles that can only be defeated with all other aspects of the game. Some sections of the game require a desktop/laptop to get the full experience.

How many people can play?
We build our games with 2-6 players in mind. Much like in a real life escape room, the more people you have, the more brains you have working on the problems, yet the more voices tend to talk over one another. A good recommended number is 4 players per team, although we make sure our games can be completed by solo players if desired (although some sections are definitely easier with more!)
If you have a group of larger than 6, we recommend splitting up into multiple teams and racing to see who can finish quicker. We do ask that you purchase a copy for each team that plays, since we have interactive portions, and often give clues live.
Is there a time limit, or expiry date to the purchase?
Not at all. Once you’ve bought the game, it’s yours to complete, no matter how long it takes, and you can start it whenever you like with no restrictions.
Can I print it all in advance?
Only ‘The Insiders’ really needs printing, and it is solvable without one (though you’ll need good spatial awareness). If you’d like to print it all in advance though, that’s no problem. When you buy The Insiders, you’ll receive a message from a character, giving you a page to download some (passworded) files. At the bottom of that page is a completely unlocked file with all pages ready to print. You’ll just have to promise not to look at them until you find and unlock them ‘in game’.
What if I need clues?
There are hint pages available for all of our games, though we try to provide clues in a more ‘in-character’ fashion within the games. We’re hoping you’ll never need to see a hint page at all in our latest games.
What do I need to play?
We recommend running our games on a desktop/laptop (although The Insiders is manageable with just a phone, even if it does lose some of its charm). We try to integrate story/narrative, so please put the sound on (subtitles are available if necessary), grab your brainiest team and think outside the box! You’ll also need the standard (free) social media accounts.
Which game should I use for team building?
Our games are generally designed to be large epic experiences, so they don’t tend to translate well to team building events, which is why we have designed a more corporate version of ‘The Insiders’ especially for team building. It runs at just 90 minutes and takes our favourite parts of ‘The Insiders’, removes the need to print anything out and allows us to race and score teams for a bit more of a competitive edge. If you’re interested in that, please check out our ‘Corporate’ page.
I have another question…
Great, please feel free to get in touch with us directly with one of the methods on the right of this page if there’s anything we’ve forgotten.